Webux Lab

By Studio Webux

Playing around with HTML5 canvas to draw a grid using triangles

Tommy Gingras Studio Webux 2022-09-01

Playing around with HTML5 canvas to draw a triangles grid

Here is the full code for this prototype, I was trying to find a simple way to draw this grid, and then I’ve converted it to work in Unity 3D with meshes and more fun stuff !

Of course this script is far from being optimized, it was only a quick test to validate some ideas.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
      style="border: 1px solid black"

      var points = [
          [0, 0],
          [0.5, 0.5],
          [1, 0],
          [0, 1],
          [1, 1],
          [0.5, 0.5],
          [0, 0],
          [0.5, 0.5],
          [0, 1],
          [1, 0],
          [0.5, 0.5],
          [1, 1],
          [0, 1],
          [0.5, 1.5],
          [1, 1],
          [0, 2],
          [1, 2],
          [0.5, 1.5],
          [0, 1],
          [0.5, 1.5],
          [0, 2],
          [1, 1],
          [0.5, 1.5],
          [1, 2],
          [0, 2],
          [0.5, 2.5],
          [1, 2],
          [0, 3],
          [1, 3],
          [0.5, 2.5],
          [0, 2],
          [0.5, 2.5],
          [0, 3],
          [1, 2],
          [0.5, 2.5],
          [1, 3],
          [1, 0],
          [1.5, 0.5],
          [2, 0],
          [1, 1],
          [2, 1],
          [1.5, 0.5],
          [1, 0],
          [1.5, 0.5],
          [1, 1],
          [2, 0],
          [1.5, 0.5],
          [2, 1],
          [1, 1],
          [1.5, 1.5],
          [2, 1],
          [1, 2],
          [2, 2],
          [1.5, 1.5],
          [1, 1],
          [1.5, 1.5],
          [1, 2],
          [2, 1],
          [1.5, 1.5],
          [2, 2],
          [1, 2],
          [1.5, 2.5],
          [2, 2],
          [1, 3],
          [2, 3],
          [1.5, 2.5],
          [1, 2],
          [1.5, 2.5],
          [1, 3],
          [2, 2],
          [1.5, 2.5],
          [2, 3],
          [2, 0],
          [2.5, 0.5],
          [3, 0],
          [2, 1],
          [3, 1],
          [2.5, 0.5],
          [2, 0],
          [2.5, 0.5],
          [2, 1],
          [3, 0],
          [2.5, 0.5],
          [3, 1],
          [2, 1],
          [2.5, 1.5],
          [3, 1],
          [2, 2],
          [3, 2],
          [2.5, 1.5],
          [2, 1],
          [2.5, 1.5],
          [2, 2],
          [3, 1],
          [2.5, 1.5],
          [3, 2],
          [2, 2],
          [2.5, 2.5],
          [3, 2],
          [2, 3],
          [3, 3],
          [2.5, 2.5],
          [2, 2],
          [2.5, 2.5],
          [2, 3],
          [3, 2],
          [2.5, 2.5],
          [3, 3],
      var ctx = document.getElementById("myCanvas").getContext("2d");
      var scale = 50;
      var offset = 10;
      points.forEach((point) => {
        let old = null;
        let start = null;
        point.forEach((p, key) => {
          if (!old)
            start = [p[0] * 2 * scale + offset, p[1] * 2 * scale + offset];
          ctx.moveTo(p[0] * 2 * scale + offset, p[1] * 2 * scale + offset);
          if (old) {
          old = [p[0] * 2 * scale + offset, p[1] * 2 * scale + offset];
          if (key === point.length - 1) {
