Webux Lab

By Studio Webux

Web projects

This section contains notes, proof of concepts, and content related to web development.

Setup a typescript project

including eslint and prettier

Group by function in javascript

Code Snippet

Typescript, Markdown, Tauri, Browser

Using Marked !

Typescript Helper Functions for Browser

Javascript and Regexes

NodeJS POC with queue and nosql

Using local technology

POC to use Knex, Postgres and node

to build a file tree system

Simple helper to control console output

Playing around with HTML5 canvas to draw a grid using triangles

This is a quick prototype for a unity 3D grid

Extend Error handling with NodeJS

Nodejs, vuex & axios with extended error handling

NodeJS script to calculate pricing

NodeJS Script to calculate price based on minimum and maximum quantity for subscriptions

NodeJS script to validate timesheet and work hours

NodeJS and date-fns to calculate the difference between hours and minutes

SQLite, Sequelize and NodeJS

POC with encryption using SQLCipher

Fun with Electron 13 and vue 2

Using Electron with vuejs and bootstrap to create a desktop app
