Cognito Server Side (requires client secret)
This implementation requires a trusted backend. I encountered security issue while learning how to create a login to secure a CLI Tool. So this code ain’t used, but I thought it was nice to keep it documented for future implementation.
import { type Context, Hono } from "hono";
import { logger } from "hono/logger";
import * as client from "npm:openid-client";
import { TokenEndpointResponse } from "npm:openid-client";
import open from "npm:open";
const app = new Hono();
let user: TokenEndpointResponse;
const code_verifier: string = client.randomPKCECodeVerifier();
const state: string = client.randomState();
const config: client.Configuration = await client.discovery(
new URL(
"<client-secret>", // Should be secured. (SSM/secret manager)
const parameters: Record<string, string> = {
redirect_uri: "http://localhost:13567/redirect_uri",
scope: "email openid phone",
code_challenge: await client.calculatePKCECodeChallenge(code_verifier),
code_challenge_method: "S256",
const redirectTo: URL = client.buildAuthorizationUrl(config, parameters);
await open(redirectTo.href);
app.get("/redirect_uri", async (c: Context) => {
console.log("received", c.req.url);
const tokens: client.TokenEndpointResponse =
await client.authorizationCodeGrant(config, new URL(c.req.url), {
pkceCodeVerifier: code_verifier,
expectedState: state,
console.log("Token Endpoint Response", tokens);
user = tokens;
return c.text("Ok", 200);
app.onError((err: Error, c: Context) => {
console.error("GLOBAL ERROR HANDLING", err);
return c.text("not ok", 500);
Deno.serve({ port: 13567, hostname: "" }, app.fetch);