Webux Lab

By Studio Webux

Install and configure Atom as an IDE

Tommy Gingras Studio Webux 2022-05-12

How I setup Atom

First, install atom: https://atom.io

I don’t use anything fancy I like to keep things easy and fast. I also have the bad habit to remember commands or write Makefiles or External Documentation in Obsidian.

Click on Packages -> Settings View -> Install Packages/Themes



To increase the font-size of the navbar:

Click on Atom -> Stylesheet...


.pane {
    font-size: 16px;


I 've restart the application in order to load all components correctly.


Be sure to enable the Format files on Save. I also like to see the prettier icon at the bottom of the page: Show in Status Bar


You must see the linter UI at the bottom when you open a cloudformation file. Be sure to have installed pip install cfn-lint
