Building a GitHub App for Jenkins Integration
Embark on seamless Jenkins integration with GitHub using our quick and concise step-by-step guide. Unlock efficient development workflows effortlessly!
GitHub Configuration
- Visit
- Scroll down and navigate to Developer settings.
- Choose GitHub apps.
- Click on New GitHub app.
- Name your app as per your preference.
- Set the homepage URL as your Jenkins URL.
- Disable the webhook option.
- Define the Repository permissions: 8.1. Grant read-only access for Contents and Pull Requests. 8.2. Grant read/write access for Commit statuses and Packages. Of note, you cannot interact with packages using a github app (there is few Github Issues about that)
- Create the application.
- Note down the App ID (required for Jenkins).
- Generate a private key (to be used in Jenkins).
- Click Install app.
- Choose the organization(s) where you want to install the app (installation needs to be done per organization or enable it for any GitHub account).
Jenkins Configuration
- Create a new Jenkins credential of type GitHub app.
- Copy the App ID.
- Execute the following command:
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in downloaded-key.pem
, using the downloaded.pem
file from GitHub. - Paste the output into Jenkins.
- Test the connection.
That’s all there is to it!
Setting Up a Multibranch Pipeline
- Choose your GitHub credential.
- Configure the GitHub URL as usual.
- Initiate the scan.
- Everything should function smoothly, without the need to create a dummy GitHub user or share an API key.