Webux Lab

By Studio Webux


This section covers everything related to DevOps.

Setup Ollama and Zed

Setup stable swarm on fedora using docker


Setup zed and deno

Setup zed editor to use deno and hono

Private local Cardano cluster

Experiment on private cardano cluster

Setup Prometheus node_exporter on linux

Setup Github app with Jenkins

Setup jenkins credentials

Install docker on rocky linux

Coredns with Docker

Simple local DNS Server using coredns and docker

Jenkins Docker in Docker

Custom docker jenkins image for dind

Changing Global Email in Git

a Step by Step Guide

Gitea and More !

File Limit, SSH, Jwilder HTTPS and Docker

Linux Notes - Text-to-Speech with Bark

Linux Notes - ramdisk

mina-protocol using docker

Testing block producer deployment

Monitoring Solution

Prometheus, Grafana, Alert Manager, Open Observe

Cardano Notes

Infrastructure Notes

Llama 2 Installation and Usage

NodeJS Tools and Commands

My Day to Day commands to troubleshoot

Terraform with libvirt

Experimenting with terraform to spawn VM using libvirt

Prometheus, Grafana, nvidi-smi, windows_exporter

Learning Path and experimentation

Generate Self Signed Certificate

For local development

Kubernetes Learning Path

What I think about when doing technical architecture as a DevOps

Simple Lambda to test the network connectivity

Using a private VPC and a NAT Gateway

Simple Bash Script to cleanup CloudFlare entries

Self Hosted Object Storage

With SeaweedFS

Troubleshoot Cardano with DB Sync and SMASH

NodeJS and Cognito Identity Pool

NodeJS with cognito identity pool (federated)

Serverless offline with offline SQS

There are known limitations, here is how I "fixed" my issues

Ansible with conditional environment variables

How to add and remove environement variables with a set_fact

Kubernetes Notes

Install Ansible on MacOS with python 3.9

Github Deployment integrated with Jira using Codebuild/Codepipeline

Bash commands to quickly use codebuild with github api

Assume role with AWS

Simple Script to open a subshell and assuming an AWS role


Notes with AWS
